Meg Phillips

Meg Phillips

WordPress, React, and CallForCode

How WordPress and React can work together in more ways than you may think.

This talk will focus on my experience building SchoolListit (a WP / React app) and the adventure I’ve had offering it to the 2020 CallForCode Covid response challenge.

  • Description of SchoolListIt, how I built it, and where I plan to take it.
  • Under the hood – how I chose to integrate WP – React – IBM Cloud.
  • Learnings and Observations: My experience participating in 2020CallForCode Covid Response

There will also be an opportunity to deep dive into the topic through a Q&A session.

Meg Phillips is a mom, marketer, and web developer. Before having children, Meg worked in apparel product development and was part of the team that launched the Soma Brand for Chico’s FAS. Since becoming a mom, Meg continues to work as a product developer focused on technology and marketing for start-up ideas. Most recently, the Covid-19 crisis inspired Meg to found SchoolListIt, what is due and when for any school, anywhere. You can find Meg on Making WordPress Slack, Twitter, and Youtube with the handle @MegPhillips91.

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By Mike Reid

I am a PMP certified project manager for Xorre, and I am based in Virginia Beach, US. I've been involved with WordPress since around 2015, mostly with the Global Marketing team as a rep. I'm active in the local WP Virginia Beach meetup and an organizer for WCVB 2020. I have also been to around twenty WordCamps around the US as a speaker or attendee.